16 Jan 2023 Recap
Video-MOS has received last year 2023 on its growth path a positive new that we want to share with our customers and followers.
Video-MOS has been certified as a start-up company, in accordance with Law 28/2022 of 21 December, on the promotion of the ecosystem of start-ups.
According to Article 4 of Law 28/2022, entrepreneurs wishing to avail themselves of the benefits and specialities of this law had to request ENISA, Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SA, to evaluate all the characteristics listed in Articles 3 and 6, in addition to the criterion of the innovative and scalable nature of their business model.
ENISA, Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SME, SA, after studying and analyzing the application submitted on 24/07/2023, has certified as Startup the company with Social Reason VIDEOMOS QUALITY PROBE SL for its innovative and scalable character.
Above said together with the recent 2023 equity funding made by the shareholders in addition to those of 2021 and 2022 ensure the development of the next version of our viewers quality experience (QoE) measurement probe that is so well received by our customers.
This new version “Sapiens”, scheduled for the first quarter of 2024, will feature an updated user interface, a further improvement of its technical characteristics for analysis by deep learning algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence, and a set of optimized developments for use by broadcasters (including semantic comprehension of the contents).
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